Thursday 22 August 2013

Ways On How To Get Smarter.

Geniuses Pictures
 Al Einstein made quite a name for himself in the smarts department. See more pictures of geniuses.

What is smart? Some people judge smarts by standard benchmarks like test scores and grade point averages. Others think common sense, problem solving abilities and "street smarts" define intelligence. Standardized testing scores have proven unreliable and biased along racial and socioeconomic lines, and cramming for classes can lead to GPAs that aren't a true indicator of intelligence.

While we can't all agree on a standard for intelligence, we can agree that the human brain is the key to all of them. It has a great capacity to adapt, rewire and grow. Neural networks expand and strengthen through learning experiences. Stimuli make the brain stronger and more vital. This reinforcement of the brain's power affects intelligence across all standards, from street smarts to testing scores. Here are five ways you can increase your brain's capacity to take in and store new data. Or, said more simply, here's how you can get smarter.

                                  1. Take Care of Your Body

The human body is all connected, so you can't take care of one part of it without benefiting some other part. Physical exercise is important for good health, for both the body and the brain. Simply increasing your blood flow kicks up the oxygen and glucose levels in the brain. The coordination it takes to perform exercises also gives the brain a workout, especially if you're trying something new. Exercise also means you're battling sedentary lifestyle, or one free from mental stimuli.

Food is also important. There are many foods that have been associated with brain health, including fish oil, eggs, protein and dark green vegetables. Green tea, herbal tea and nuts are also good "brain food." Eating right, getting the required amount of sleep and exercises, both mental and physical, are the keys to improving memory and overall brain function.

                                                   2. Get Some Sleep

Wakeful exercises for the brain are great and necessary to help improve brain function so you can get smarter. But what about sleep? Not a whole lot is known about sleep, but we know now that scientists were wrong for years with the belief that the brain simply shut down during sleep to recharge. Research now indicates that the brain may actually do a little nighttime filing during sleep. The information from the previous day is catalogued and put in the proper mental folders so it can make the journey from short-term memory to long-term. Sleeping problems have been known to exacerbate other brain issues, so it makes sense that a good night's sleep can help increase the brain's function and ability to focus. It varies from person to person, but between six and eight hours of sleep for adults is generally recommended.

                                                  3.Ingest Bacteria

 In June 2010, researchers at The Sage Colleges presented findings that show certain types of bacteria commonly found in dirt made mice "smarter." The mice given Mycobacterium vaccae performed better in maze tests and showed fewer signs of anxiety and higher levels of serotonin in the forebrain, the area that takes care of higher-order thinking.
The bacteria seem to promote the growth of neurons as well. This doesn't mean that we should all go out and start shoveling dirt in our mouths: You can actually ingest it by doing yard work, gardening and even by simply taking a walk through the woods.

These guys are getting a little smarter, one nap at a time.

                                             4. Exercise Your Brain

 The brain, like many parts of the human body, needs regular exercise in order to maintain strength and vitality. Some more common brain strengthening exercises include fun activities like crossword
puzzles, Sudoku, and other word- and number-based brain teasers. There are other more academic ways as well, like completing math word problems and exercises relating to spatial relationships and geometry. Even simply reading this article gives your brain a slight workout. If these ideas are a little too scholarly for you, try simple things like mixing up your routine. Just brushing your teeth with the opposite hand or walking a different way to work forces your brain to work harder than usual, which is ultimately what you want to do.

                                                5. Meditate

For thousands of years, we've known the benefits of meditation. The practice of meditation can be different for each person, but it generally involves quiet, focused breathing exercises in which the practitioner is able to achieve a state of mental calm. Regardless of whether you believe that this mental calm is an enlightened state of consciousness, no one can deny the benefits of relaxed, focused breathing. FMRI scans have revealed that regular meditation also affects the actual structure of the brain. Researchers believe that memory, function, attention span and focus all benefit from meditation. One study showed that regular daily meditation can even increase the size of parts of the cerebral cortex. Not surprisingly, some of the world's leading and forward-thinking corporations offer meditation classes for their employees.

                                       Adapted from:[How Stuff Works]

The Trojan Horse(1of the Biggest Lies in History)

If all is fair in love and ­war, this might be the most forgivable of the big lies. When the Trojan Paris Spartan king, war exploded. It had been raging for 10 long years when the Trojans believed they had finally overcome the Greeks. Little did they know, the Greeks had another trick up their sleeves.
absconded with Helen, wife of the

In a stroke of genius, the Greeks built an enormous wooden horse with a hollow belly in which men could hide. After the Greeks convinced their foes that this structure was a peace offering, the Trojans happily accepted it and brought the horse within their fortified city. That night, as the Trojans slept, Greeks hidden inside snuck out the trap door. Then, they proceeded to slaughter and decisively defeat the Trojans.
This was unquestionably one of the biggest and most successful tricks known to history -- that is, if it's true. Homer mentions the occurrence in "The Iliad," and Virgil extrapolates the story in "The Aeneid." Evidence suggests that Troy itself existed, giving some validity to Homer's tales, and scholars have long been investigating how historically accurate these details are. One theory behind the Trojan horse comes from historian Michael Wood, who proposes that it was merely a battering ram in the shape of a horse that infiltrated the city [source: Haughton].
In any case, the story has won a permanent place in the Western imagination as a warning to beware of enemies bearing gifts.

Friday 16 August 2013

The Secret to Start Speaking a Language in just 10 Days Revealed.

Have you ever wondered how some people can speak multiple languages fluently or how some people seem to pick up new languages little effort? Many of these people have used the Pimsleur Approach – A well known provider in audio-based language learning. It’s  a unique method that’s been used by over 25 million people to quickly and effectively start speaking a new foreign language in just 10 days. Even the FBI purchased the Pimsleur Approach.


TOP 10 DISTURBING HUMAN BODY FACTS: TRUE OR FALSE? Thanks to the popular social/discussion site Reddit, the top 10 disturbing human body facts have been identified – but are they true or false? This list includes only the top 10 from a popular discussion on Reddit, along with some extra research. Readers are encouraged to add their own disturbing human body facts in the comments below!


All cells replace themselves over a course of about seven years. So you are not the same mass of cells you were seven years ago, you are a copy. (False)
Research shows that, while this statement is somewhat true, it’s not entirely true. For example, neurons in the cerebral cortex are never replaced. You are born with all the cerebral cortex neurons you will ever have – those that die are not replaced. has more information on cell replacement.
Some tumors can grow teeth. (True)
top 10 disturbing human body facts
A teratoma.
Photo: HereComesDoc
A certain type of tumor, called a teratoma, is made up of cysts that contain embryonic cell layers called ectoderms, mesoderms, and endoderms. Teratomas have been reported to contain hair, teeth, bone, and on rare occasions eyes, hands, feet and other limbs.
Three hundred million of your cells die every minute. (True)
Only about 10% of the cells in your body are cells that make up tissue and organs. Almost 50 percent of the cells in the human body are bacterial cells that live in the digestive system. Another 40 percent or so are blood cells and lymph cells. Experts estimate that an average adult male body is made up of seventy-five to one hundred trillion cells, approximately 4 trillion of which make up the body’s mass. The “300 million” number relates (most likely) to red blood cell death.
Your body can turn against itself in auto-immune disorders – effectively killing itself trying to protect itself. (True)
There are over 80 different types of auto-immune disorders, including multiple sclerosis, Celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Type I diabetes. In auto-immune disorders, the body’s immune system isn’t able to tell the difference between healthy tissue and antigens (bacteria, foreign cells, viruses, etc.).
If you lost all your empty atomic space, your body would fit into a cube less than 1/500th of a centimeter on each side. (True)
According to Roger Fritz, “If you took away the empty space between atoms, pushed them together until they were touching, the human body would be compressed to about the size of a pencil eraser. Or to put it another way, the human body is 99.996% empty space. But since atoms are also mostly empty space, you could push them together until the nuclei were touching. If you did, the human body would be too small to see.”
top 10 disturbing human body facts
The largest cell in the human body combines with the smallest cell in the human body… and creates a human body!
Photo: ScienceGenetics
The ovum (egg) is the human body’s largest cell. The body’s smallest cell is the sperm cell. Neither of them are complete. (True… and False)
The human ovum measures approximately 0.12 mm in diameter and is visible, without a microscope, to the naked eye. Human sperm cells are only 55 millionths of a millimeter or (55 microns) in length. To say neither cell is complete isn’t quite correct, as they are each exactly what they are supposed to be: one half of a whole.
One day you’ll no longer be connected to your consciousness. (True? False? No one knows)
Neuropsychology posits that all consciousness is the result of a functioning brain, and once the brain is no longer functioning there is no more consciousness. Many world religions, however, have a belief structure that includes a continuation of consciousness after death as a key feature. in 2008, neurosurgeon Eben Alexander had a “near death experience” while connected to an electroencephalogram which indicated brain death (lack of neural activity). Alexander’s highly detailed experience while clinically brain-dead is the subject of his book.
All the atoms in your body came from somewhere else. (True)
Susan Goetinck wrote, “…since the earth was formed everything that has ever existed here has been made from the same allotment of atoms. Only their arrangement has changed.” It’s been established that every element on the Periodic Table other than hydrogen is, in effect, “stardust,” and 93 percent of the mass in our human bodies is “stardust” as well. The molecular structure of our bodies is more like a pattern, held together by energy, than it is a solid, tangible thing.
Everyone has cancer. Everyone. In fact, most people develop “cancer” multiple times a day. Luckily our immune systems are advanced enough to kill these cancerous cells early. (True)
Cancer biologist Paul Knoepfler agrees, stating, “…why  don’t  we  get  clinically apparent cancer  even  more  often? Scientists  do  not  really  know.  One  possibility  is  that  our  immune  systems  are  far  better  at  finding  and  destroying  cancer  than  we  ever  imagined.  Indeed,  from  this  perspective  cancer  may  frequently  be  an  immune  disorder  more  than  anything. ” One Reddit user commented, “I heard a cancer researcher on the radio say that the mystery of cancer isn’t why some people die from it, it’s why some people don’t.”
Humans shed 40 pounds of skin in their lifetimes. (False)
Actually, it’s far more than 40 pounds. Humans are constantly shedding skin cells, with the average human shedding just under 9 pounds of dead skin per year. A large part of household dust is dead skin and the wee creatures that eat it.
And there you have it: the Top 10 DISTURBING HUMAN BODY FACTS: TRUE OR FALSE?


1.  African gray parrot - Referred to by some as the smartest bird in the world, African gray parrot can learn hundreds of words and sounds, eats seeds, berries, nuts and fruit, and lives in the central and western parts of Africa.

Carnivore Discovery Olinguito Looks Like Cross between Cat and Teddy Bear.

A new species of carnivore has been discovered by scientists - and it looks like a cross between a house cat and a teddy bear.
Scientists at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC said the olinguito was the first species of carnivore to be discovered in the western hemisphere for 35 years, explaining that the olinguito had been the victim of mistaken identity for over 100 years.
It is the latest scientifically documented member of the family Procyonidae, which includes raccoons, coatis and kinkajous.
The olinguito weighs 2lbs, has large eyes, woolly orange-brown fur and lives in the cloud forests of Colombia and Ecuador. Scientists said their discovery was "incredibly rare" for the 21st century.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

African Elephant Extinction: One Slaughtered Every 15 Minutes to Meet Asia's Ivory Demand

One elephant in Africa is slaughtered every 15 minutes to supply the demand for ivory, a rate that will result in the species becoming extinct in 12 years.
Dame Daphne Sheldrick, a conservationist from the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust based in the Nairobi National Park, said Kenyan authorities seized four-and-a-half tonnes of ivory in the last two raids, showing the extent of the illegal trade in Africa.
Speaking on World Elephant Day, she said elephants becoming extinct in just over a decade is a "real possibility" if action is not taken to curb the number of animals being killed.
"Today is World Elephant Day but in 12 years' time there may not be any elephants left in Africa to celebrate," She said, according to the Metro.
"A world without elephants is hard to comprehend, but it is a real possibility. Against a submachine gun or poacher armed with a spear, they stand little chance."
Demand for ivory is being spurred by demand in East Asian countries. It is estimated that 36,000 African elephants were slaughtered last year to feed the illegal trade.
"Don't buy ivory," Sheldrick said. "That means all ivory, be it antique or pre-ban, in the UK or on holiday.
"Buying ivory only serves to fuel a trade which results in more senseless deaths of these beautiful animals. We can't let man-made extinction be the end of this iconic species.
"I have been ashamed to be a member of the human race in view of how elephants have been treated. Each elephant is an individual, just as are we [sic], and each has its own unique personality. Like us, they are bonded together by family.
"Through hand-rearing more than 140 orphaned elephants, I know these majestic beings are peace-loving animals and can project a sense of compassion beyond their own kind."
At present, there are around 400,000 African elephants and 43,000 Asian elephants left in the world. The highest number of illegal ivory seizures for 23 years was recorded in 2011.
The innaugral World Elephant Day was held last year in a bid to bring attention to the plight of both Asian and African elephants.
Stephen Blake, a biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, said: "Elephants are simply one more natural resource that is being caught up in human greed on the one hand and human need on the other. We somehow need people to become reacquainted with nature or they can have no clue as the interrelatedness of cause and effect."
                                                    Source: Ibtimesuk

Tuesday 30 July 2013


POSTERS that respond to touch by playing sounds could be the next big thing in outdoor advertising.

English company Novalia has developed the technology, which works much like a smartphone touch screen, but on paper.
CEO Kate Stone and her team currently make the posters one-by-one, but have launched a Kickstarter campaign to push out bulk manufacture of the product.
The posters have two versions: One that connects to an iPhone or iPod and plays the sounds through your device when you touch the paper; and another that is itself a big speaker.
Dr Stone told Cambridge News that, for now, it was a poster project, but there would be many more applications for the technology.
"Packaging, greetings cards manufacturers, point-of-sale, bus shelter advertising, books, newspapers - yes, you can touch a story in a newspaper and if you've got your smartphone with our app anywhere on your person it can automatically pick up the recording of the actual press conference," she said.
The campaign runs until August 29, and is about $6000 towards its $67,000 goal.


Friday 26 July 2013


You know the type. He created a Facebook account in 2009 and hasn't touched it since. No profile picture. No status update. Occasionally, someone tags him in a photo, but does he even receive the notification?

Try this one: She waits, quietly. She doesn't "like" things, and she definitely doesn't comment. In fact, she rarely does anything at all besides slink through Facebook like a jungle cat, silently judging your waistline in your beach vacation pictures.

Everyone has his or her own social media style, but there are definite patterns in Facebook user behavior. For businesses hoping to utilize Facebook's advertising potential, identifying and targeting specific types of users can help narrow more meaningful audiences.

This infographic from Optify highlights everyone's favorite Facebook users, from the Gamer to the Stalker and everyone in between.

See any that look familiar? If you identify yourself as a Curator or a Baby Boomer, or if you defy stereotypes and have a style all your own, let us know in the comments below.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Who’s spying on you, and how to make them stop.

We already kn0w Google checks our Gmail to see what ads we might be susceptible to. Advertisers track us from one site to another via retargeting. Hackers want to crack our Wi-Fi, and identify thieves want to steal our online personas.
(They work so well I apparently ordered 13 laptops in 15 minutes from a few months ago.)

Friday 5 July 2013


Snakes belong to the animal class reptiles.

This group also includes crocodiles, lizards, and turtles. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals that raise their body temperature by lying in the sun or lower it by crawling into the shade.
Their body temperature changes to the temperature of its surroundings. Because of this, snakes that live in colder climates must hibernate through the winter. They will find burrows or caves and fall into a deep sleep until the weather becomes ware enough for them. There are more than 2,900 species of snakes in the world. They live almost everywhere, in deserts, forests, oceans, streams, and lakes. Snakes live on the ground, in trees, and in water. Snakes cannot survive in places where the ground stays frozen year round so there are no snakes north of the Arctic Circle or in Antarctica. Some islands, including Ireland and New Zealand, do not have snakes at all.